It’s really quite simple — electrolytes are about replacing what has
been lost in sweat. Horsepower’s Electrolyte 3 is designed to do just
that, having been formulated to closely match equine sweat. (Hence the
name ‘Electrolyte 3', there being three main components to sweat:
chloride, sodium and potassium). Depletion of these three essential ions
can affect a wide range of bodily functions from nerve impulse
transmission to muscle contraction, thirst and water balance.
As well as workload, climatic conditions can greatly affect the need
to supplement a horse’s diet with electrolytes. Obviously, the hotter
and more humid the climate, the more a horse will sweat and, therefore,
the greater the need to replenish both water and salts. But don’t be
fooled into thinking that in cold weather, electrolytes are not needed.
In cold temperatures, horses’ water intake naturally diminishes, leaving
them susceptible to dehydration if electrolyte levels are low.
Also, be aware that while conditions such as tying-up can involve an
acute response to a lack of electrolytes, often less obvious (or
sub-clinical) symptoms such as muscle soreness and stiffness can
negatively affect a horse’s performance.